He wanted a one-stop digital music store. 他希望有一站式的数码音乐商店 What Steve needed to do to launch iTunes, 乔布斯推出iTunes was convince the rec...
Instead of being a boring old box 和市场上其他 like every other computer in the market, 刻板沉闷的电脑截然不同 it had this beautiful, iMac的外型很亮丽...
Toy Story premiered in November of 1995 玩具总动员在1995年11月举行首映 and became an instant blockbuster. 然后很快成为票房冠军 Soon it was the third m...
When the company was running out of money, 当公司的资金快要用光时 Steve Jobs wanted to fire 乔布斯本想解雇 the people who were making the short films....
He sold his Apple stock 他卖了其苹果股票 so Steve Jobs had $100 million. 得到1亿美元 And he had enough money 因为这样他拥有足够的资金 that he could sp...
Steve Jobs and John Sculley became so extremely close 乔布斯和史考力一直紧密合作 that when they got into a confrontation 所以当他们面对冲突情况 and Sc...
But they didn't have to. 不过最终都不用这样 The board relented 因为董事局最后让步 and on January 22, 1984 在1984年1月22日 an audience of 96 million 在...
In the early 1980's 在80年代初期 Apple Computer became the fastest 苹果电脑成为美国历史上 growing company in the US history. 发展最迅速的电脑公司 The ...
Steve had this amazing insight 乔布斯有灵感开发 into building a new technology 一项新的技术 called the Macintosh 叫做Macintosh and what he saw at Xero...
On December 12, 1980, 在1980年12月12日 Apple went public. 苹果电脑公司正式上市 It's 4.6 million shares of stock 开市价22美元 opened at $22 而价值460万...