1.《名人传记》之李小龙如何改变世界67:像水一样吧 朋友
The water can flow or creep or drip or crash.Be water, my friend. 水可以流淌 潜行 滴落 冲击,像水一样吧 朋友。 Bruce Lee's philosophy has spotted an u...
Many did just that.Going on to become champions in their own field. 许多人都这样做了,成为了他们各自的领域里的佼佼者。 Sugar Ray Leonard is widely reg...
We fight alone or all together?It all just take me to show you. 你一个人呢 还是全体呢?我一个人就够你受了。 Blown away then we came out of the place.An...
It's not just actors Bruce Lee has inspired.His influence can be felt in people from all walks of life. 受李小龙启发的并不只有演员,你能从各种人身上感...
It was an instanty,creating a super star whose influence would change the world forever. 影片红极一时,一位超级巨星就此诞生,他的影响永久地改变了世界...
6.《名人传记》之李小龙如何改变世界62:本领超群 无人能及
We need emotional content.Don't think, feel.That's it. 我们需要意念,不要想 用感觉,这就对了。 Bruce Lee, actor, icon,and skilled martial arts. 李小...
He's universally recongnized as the king of martial arts movies after making only one He died young, aged just 32. Hollywood film. 他仅仅凭借一部好莱...
He didn't compromise.People really felt that presence about him and felt that influence from him and they just wanna somehow connect with him. 他不会...
Bruce Lee was just a symbol of everything that every little boy wanted to be. 李小龙是每个小男孩心中的榜样,梦想成为的人。 You have offended my family...
It is my wish that the newspapers and the people of Hong Kong will stop speculating on the circumstances surrounding my husband's death. 我希望所有的...