1.法律英语就该这么说 第48期:除非要约人同意承诺一经作出即不得撤回
必背句型: A:Does an acceptance once given cannot be revoked? 承诺一经作出即不得撤回吗? B:An acceptance once given cannot be revoked the offeror conse...
2.法律英语就该这么说 第47期:当事人协商一致即可变更合同
必背句型: A:Why do you modify the contract? 你为什么变更合同? B:A contract may be modified if the parties reach a consensus through consultation. 当...
3.法律英语就该这么说 第46期:违法行为不能构成合约
必背句型: A:Why don't you sign the contract? 你们为什么不签合约? B:A contract cannot arise out of an illegal act. 违法行为不能构成合约。 A contract ca...
4.法律英语就该这么说 第45期:我对法律语言不感兴趣
必背句型: A:Do you know the language of the law? 你了解法律语言吗? B:I don't care for the language of the law. 我对法律语言不感兴趣。 The language of...
5.法律英语就该这么说 第44期:对现行立法进行客观审查很重要
必背句型: A:To carry out an objective review of current legislation is important. 对现行立法进行客观审查很重要。 B:How to carry out an object review? ...
6.法律英语就该这么说 第43期:立法机关不能把立法权转让给其他任何人
必背句型: A:The legislature cannot transfer the power of making laws to any other hands. 立法机关不能把立法权转让给其他任何人。 B:So only the legislat...
7.法律英语就该这么说 第42期:法院经常注意到立法意图
必背句型: A:Courts often look to legislative intent. 法院经常注意到立法意图。 B:They are for guidance in interpreting and applying a law. 这是为作为解...
8.法律英语就该这么说 第41期:法律只有经与其颁布程序同样的程序方能被修改或废除
必背句型: A:Was a law amended or repealed easily? 法律能轻易地被修改或废除吗? B:A law should be amended or repealed only by the same procedures that ...
9.法律英语就该这么说 第40期:没有足够的原则
必背句型: A:In doubt,the milder course is to be followed. 遇有疑义时应遵循从宽原则。 B:There is not enough principle. 没有足够的原则。 There is not en...
10.法律英语就该这么说 第39期:我真不敢相信她能获得衡平救济
必背句型: A:I can't believe that she comes to equity. 我真不敢相信她能获得衡平救济。 B:Nobody can believe it. 没有人敢相信。 I can't believe that I wo...