1.法律英语就该这么说 第68期:申请人寻求司法复审以撤销命令
必背句型: A:Why did the applicant sought judicial review? 申请人为什么寻求司法复审? B:The applicant sought judicial review to quash the order. 申请人...
2.法律英语就该这么说 第67期:当事人可就重申案件的判决或裁定进行上诉
必背句型: A:The litigants may appeal against a judgment or a ruling derived from the retrial. 当事人可就重申案件的判决或裁定进行上诉。 B:I will appeal...
3.法律英语就该这么说 第66期:他申请用签发调卷令的方法获得司法审查
必背句型: A:What did he apply for? 他申请什么呢? B:He applied for judicial review by way of certiorari. 他申请用签发调卷令的方法获得司法审查。 He app...
4.法律英语就该这么说 第65期:故意犯罪应当负刑事责任
必背句型: A:Criminal responsibility shall be borne for intentional crimes. 故意犯罪,应当负刑事责任。 B:It is so serious. 这么严重。 Criminal responsi...
5.法律英语就该这么说 第64期:他试图确定自己无罪
必背句型: A:What did he try to do? 他想干什么? B:He tried to establish his innocence. 他试图确定自己无罪。 He tried to certain his innocence. 他试图...
6.法律英语就该这么说 第63期:他因侵占财产被监禁6个月
必背句型: A:I didn't see him these days. 这些天我没见过他。 B:He was sent to prison for six months for embezzlement. 他因侵占财产被监禁6个月。 The sus...
7.法律英语就该这么说 第62期:他被指控犯有侵犯财产罪
必背句型: A:Why he was upset? 他为什么很不安? B:He was prosecuted for embezzlement. 他被指控犯有侵犯财产罪。 He was indicted for murder. 他被指控犯有...
8.法律英语就该这么说 第61期:偷窃属于轻罪
必背句型: A:The theft comes into the catefory of petty crime. 偷窃属于轻罪。 B:What about the fighting? 打架呢? The crime of stealing firearms and am...
9.法律英语就该这么说 第60期:我听到他侵犯这样的权益很难过
必背句型: A:I'm awfully sorry about his violation of such an interest. 我听到他侵犯这样的权益很难过。 B:I'm disappointed with him. 我对他很失望。 I'm ...
10.法律英语就该这么说 第59期:恐怕我对此权利没有什么特别的看法
必背句型: A:What do you think of the right? 你对这权利有什么看法? B:I can't say I have any particular views on the right. 恐怕我对此权利没有什么特别...