16 Talking About Astronomy GLOSSARY honey sweetheart; a word used when talking to loved ones to show them thatone cares * Honey, could you please take...
15 Paying an Unexpected Visit GLOSSARY To what do I owe this pleasure? A formal phrase meaning, What are youdoing here? or Why have you come to see me...
14 Shopping for Warm-Weather Clothes GLOSSARY outfit all the pieces of clothing worn at one time; pieces of clothing that areworn together * Which out...
13 Staying Home from School GLOSSARY to play hooky to not go to school when one is supposed to; to skip classes * Did you ever play hooky when you wer...
12 Feeling Disillusioned GLOSSARY idol someone whom one loves, worships, or admires very much, possiblywanting to be that person * When you were a tee...
11 Being Clear or Confusing GLOSSARYconfused feeling puzzled; not understanding what is happening or what isbeing discussed * Taku was really confused...
10 A Parent-Teacher Conference GLOSSARY parent-teacher conference a special meeting between a students parentsand teacher when they discuss how well (...
09 Being an Early or Late Riser GLOSSARY watch out be careful; a phrase used to warn someone of danger * Watch out! Dont step into that hole in the si...
08 Shopping for Produce GLOSSARY supermarket a large store that sells many types of food to be cooked orprepared at home * Please go by the supermarke...
07 Discussing Social Class GLOSSARY social class a large group of people who have approximately the same wealth(money), education, and social status (...