07 Eating a School Lunch GLOSSARY lunch line the line of people waiting to receive food and pay for it in a cafeteria,especially in a school or hospit...
06 Shopping for a Television GLOSSARY this is what Im talking about a phrase used when one has found what onehas been looking for or what one has been...
05 Using a Video-Sharing Website GLOSSARY overnight sensation something that becomes very popular among manypeople very quickly, without anyone having...
04 Feeding a Picky Eater GLOSSARY its only fair it is nice and just; a phrase used to present something that oneshould do to be nice * Since you washe...
03 Types of Sandwiches GLOSSARY to have a craving for to have a sudden, strong desire to eat or drink aparticular type of food or drink * When Makiko ...
02 Judging a Contest GLOSSARY contest a competition where people or submissions are judged and the onethat is best is the winner * You sing so well. H...
01 Buying TV Programs and Movies GLOSSARY box set a group of related books, CDs, DVDs, video tapes, or similar materialsthat are sold together, often ...