17 After Christmas Sales GLOSSARY to get up to stand up from a sitting or lying position, especially to wake up andget out of bed * Vince wants to fin...
16 Traveling Over the Holidays GLOSSARY battle the act of two or more people or groups fighting each other; one fight ina war; one of many fights * Ho...
15 Talking to a Mechanic GLOSSARY mechanic a person whose job is to maintain and repair cars or other types ofmachines * Do you pay a mechanic to chan...
14 Getting a Visa to Travel GLOSSARY relative a person who is part of ones family; a person who one shares arelationship with through birth or marriag...
13 Taking the Driving Test GLOSSARY driving test an exam that must be passed to receive permission to drive,where one drives a car while the examiner ...
12 A Difficult Place to Find GLOSSARY to make one more pass to try to do something one more time, especiallywhen trying to find something while drivin...
11 Feeling Ill from Food While Traveling GLOSSARY sick as a dog very sick; very ill; with many physical symptoms of not beinghealthy or well * After e...
10 Attending an Auction GLOSSARY auction an event or place where things are sold to the person who is willing topay the most for them * A lot of fine ...
09 Following a Dress Code GLOSSARY to pack to put things into a bag or suitcase, usually so that one can take themwith one while traveling * Dont forg...
08 Dangerous Freeway Driving GLOSSARY each way in both directions; going somewhere and coming back; both halvesof a round-trip * Kyokos commute is 45 ...