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听力教程 > 《海底两万里》中英双语有声读物
1.英语听书《海底两万里》第366期 第24章 希腊群岛(1)
AT SUNRISE the next morning, February 12, the Nautilus rose to the surface of the waves. 第二天,2月12日,天一亮的时候,诺第留斯号就浮出水面。 I rushe...
2.英语听书《海底两万里》第365期 第23章 珊瑚王国(64)
Standing by the port deadlight, I spotted magnificent coral substructures, zoophytes, algae, and crustaceans with enormous quivering claws that stretc...
3.英语听书《海底两万里》第364期 第23章 珊瑚王国(62)
Professor, he said to me, would you like to go with me to the wheelhouse? 他对我说:教授,您高兴同我一起到领航人笼间里去吗? I was afraid to ask, I re...
4.英语听书《海底两万里》第363期 第23章 珊瑚王国(61)
At six o'clock, sometimes afloat and sometimes submerged, the Nautilus passed well out from El Tur, which sat at the far end of a bay whose waters see...
5.英语听书《海底两万里》第362期 第23章 珊瑚王国(60)
It took pulleys of great strength to hoist this dugong onto the platform. 把这条海马拉到大船的乎台上,必须使用力量很大的起重滑车。 The beast weighed 5...
6.英语听书《海底两万里》第361期 第23章 珊瑚王国(59)
I'll let you assess the degree of anger consuming our impatient Ned Land. He hurled at the hapless animal the most potent swearwords in the English la...
7.英语听书《海底两万里》第360期 第23章 珊瑚王国(57)
I stood up and could clearly observe the Canadian's adversary. This dugong--which also boasts the name halicore--closely resembled a manatee. 我站起来...
8.英语听书《海底两万里》第359期 第23章 珊瑚王国(56)
Aha! the Canadian put in. This beast offers the added luxury of being good to eat? 啊!加拿大人喊道,这东西原来还是好吃的珍品吗? Yes, Mr. Land. Its f...
9.英语听书《海底两万里》第358期 第23章 珊瑚王国(55)
That word siren put me back on track, and I realized that the animal belonged to the order Sirenia: 人鱼这个名字使我摸到了们路,我明白了这个动物是。 m...
10.英语听书《海底两万里》第357期 第23章 珊瑚王国(54)
With Ned and Conseil, I went to sit on the platform. The coast to the east looked like a slightly blurred mass in a damp fog. 我坐在平台上,有尼德兰和...