JUDY WOODRUFF: Believe it or not, Americans altogether throw away about 150,000 tons of food every day. That is about one pound of food per person. It...
HARI SREENIVASAN: As we reported earlier this month, Asian carp, the fast-growing invasive species in lakes and rivers throughout the Mississippi basi...
And, finally, a very different story about ice. A small community outside Portland, Maine, got a lot of attention this week for a particularly frosty ...
Judy Woodruff: And now to our NewsHour Shares, something that caught our eye that might be of interest to you, too. With Christmas season over, one qu...
HARI SREENIVASAN: There has recently been a steady drumbeat of reports from climate scientists warning that there is less and less time for us to take...
JOHN YANG: Plastic bags, cups and other and trash are filling landfills around the world, but a lot of waste doesn't even make it to garbage bins. In ...
HARI SREENIVASAN: Off the coast of northern Israel, archaeologists have found ancient relics in the seabed where a gas pipeline is being built. But ta...
JUDY WOODRUFF: Next, we conclude our series on the growing plastic problem. It is now considered one of the largest environmental threats to both huma...
JUDY WOODRUFF: Plastic pollution is now considered one of the largest environmental threats facing humans and animals. The material is made to last mu...
Today's other major story is the ongoing flood disaster in the Carolinas. Today, the president flew in for a firsthand look at the mess and misery lef...