肯尼亚设法制止野生动物和人类发生冲突 In Laikipia, Kenyan rangers are driving game farther into a 36,000 hectare conservancy to protect the animals fro...
索马里移民不满向家乡汇款通道被禁 Once a month for years, Ahmed Ahmed has been going to Dahabshil, a money service agency catering to the Somali commun...
在西非抗击埃博拉的美国军人将撤回 President Barack Obama, noting the decline in the number of new Ebola cases in West Africa, said Wednesday that nearl...
美国就业步伐加快、但失业率仍在5.7% U.S. companies beat expectations in the governments latest jobs report, hiring 257,000 workers in January. The Labo...
奥巴马预算案增加防务开支近15% President Barack Obama's $4 trillion budget includes $585 billion to sustain his national security and defense strategie...
6.VOA双语新闻:2、油价下跌 德克萨斯州喜忧参半
油价下跌 德克萨斯州喜忧参半 Oil rig workers, known as roughnecks, face unemployment as oil prices fall, but the impact is greater in regions like Alas...
奥巴马周一公布联邦预算提案 On Monday, President Obama unveils his blueprint for future U.S. government spending, a proposed $4 trillion federal budget...