1.纸牌屋第一季 第95期:展开竞选活动
When the enemy attacked, you ran away. 敌人进攻,你临阵脱逃 That's treason. 就是叛国 Now it's time to splatter your brains everywhere. 现在你该付出代...
2.纸牌屋第一季 第94期:房间的灯坏了
I wanna thank you very much. 我想感谢大家 This is a great honor. 这是莫大的荣幸 I wanna thank president Higgins 我想感谢希金斯校长 and of course the l...
3.纸牌屋第一季 第93期:没有什么是永恒的
Now, does what I'm offering you 我的提议 come anywhere near what you want or deserve? No. 的确距你们想要的,应得的差得很远 But you gotta open your eye...
4.纸牌屋第一季 第92期:培训计划
You have to see it as an investment. 你要把它看做一笔投资 The training programs are a valuable resource. 培训计划是很有价值的资源 You're not getting i...
5.纸牌屋第一季 第91期:我们闹了个通宵
All gone. 喝光啦 I don't feel so well. 我不太舒服 You gonna be sick? 要吐了吗 No. No, I just... 不是,我只想... take a break. 休息一下 Can we just tak...
6.纸牌屋第一季 第90期:我们怎么断了联络
Come on. Don't quit on me. 加油,别放弃 Oh, I lost count. 我忘记做了几个了 Don't be... don't quit. 别,别放弃 Oh... oh, God! 天啊 Oh, you win. 你赢了 ...
7.纸牌屋第一季 第89期:青春期住的房间
Good, and you? 很好,你呢 Oh, I'm in Charleston, actually. 其实我在查尔斯顿 What are you doing here? 你怎么在这儿 I thought I'd surprise you. 我想给你...
8.纸牌屋第一季 第88期:我要竞选州长
You gonna be there? Wasn't planning on it. 你会出席吗,没这个打算 I'd like you to be there. 我希望你能去 Everybody respects you. 大家都尊敬你 Want me ...
9.纸牌屋第一季 第87期:关于图使馆的命名
How are you boys doing? We're good. 聊得怎么样,高兴极了 You think I'm fat? Take the Fifth. 你觉得我胖吗,别理他 Seriously, Phil, here, thinks I got f...
10.纸牌屋第一季 第86期:预习演讲
Normally, this is where I would start to drone on 通常来说,现在我该开始絮叨 about the Sentinel's history, its philosophy, 桑蒂诺学院的历史,理念 its ...