兴旺的伦敦地产:赃款庇护所 Billions of dollars of so-called dirty money from the proceeds of crime, especially from Russia, are being laundered throug...
2.VOA双语新闻:10、乌干达艾滋肆虐 令人担忧
乌干达艾滋肆虐 令人担忧 Uganda had the third-highest number of new HIV infections in sub-Saharan Africa last year, behind South Africa and Nigeria, re...
战略考量影响希腊危机 When Greek and other European leaders came to the 17th hour of their all-night talks that culminated in an agreement Monday morni...
钱从哪来?发展中国家须学会收税 Low-income countries are being called on to generate their own financial resources for development. One of the ways the...
国际足联未来之路:加大透明度 As American and Swiss authorities proceed with their criminal investigations against FIFA officials, the future of the or...
赞助商对FIFA腐败表关注但不撤广告 Today, when news of a sports scandal breaks, it becomes a problem for everyone involved, including corporate sponsors...
FIFA腐败案与反海外贿赂法 The FIFA indictments of 2015 and the Salt Lake City Olympic Committee scandal of 1998 share an important characteristic: both...
水漫名屋:美国地标建筑受洪水威胁 The Farnsworth House in the Midwest State of Illinois is one of the most iconic homes in America. Thousands of touris...
中国与欧洲签订系列经贸大单 For the past week, the red carpet has been rolled out across European cities for Chinese Premier Li Keqiangs visit. Climate...
鱼类为吃食而锻炼肌肉 New research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences finds that both head and body muscles help them gul...