1.陨落星辰第一季 第54期:父子间的讨论
Skitters have mechs, superior weaponry. 掠夺者有机甲 高端武器装备 Why do they need to harm children? 它们为什么还要伤害孩子? Human shield. 做人肉盾牌 ...
2.陨落星辰第一季 第53期:遭受孩子们的攻击
He put the harness on. 他自己把缚椎虫戴上了 He wanted to wear it. 他想戴着它 How could he do that to himself? 他怎么能这么做? Did you find Pope? Only ...
3.陨落星辰第一季 第52期:波普炸死外星人
That wasn't good. 情况不妙啊 What is that? It looks like Pope's work. 那是什么? 看起来像是Pope干的 That's gonna draw some attention. 这可是会引起它们...
4.陨落星辰第一季 第51期:外星人晕倒
I was just trying to make it talk. 我刚才只是想让它说话 By sticking a gun in its mouth? 所以就把枪塞进了它嘴里? Our skitter's breathing and heart seem...
5.陨落星辰第一季 第50期:审问外星人
That boy in there... he's my son. 那边那个男孩... 他是我儿子 He's everything to me, 他就是我的全部 the only thing that kept me going. 唯一支撑我活着的...
6.陨落星辰第一季 第49期:失去记忆的男孩儿
You can't cut into it. 你不能把它解剖了 It's a living creature. 它是个生物啊 It's a skitter. It's not a human being. 它是个掠夺者 不是人类 At most, it...
7.陨落星辰第一季 第48期:找到摩托车(2)
Karen would have loved this. Karen会喜欢这个的 What would Karen have loved? Karen会喜欢什么? She's no girly girl, at least not since we knew her, 她不...
8.陨落星辰第一季 第47期:找到摩托车
Get your damn hand out of there. 他妈的把你的手从那儿拿开 What are you doing? 你在干吗? I thought we might try to provoke it with a little visual stim...
9.陨落星辰第一季 第46期:发现外星人在睡觉
This the radio you wanted to show me? 这就是你想让我看的收音机? Oh, yeah. 哦 是的 Yeah, I made it out of an old fallout shelter survival kit 是的 我用...
10.陨落星辰第一季 第45期:尝试与外星人沟通
W... what are you doing? 你... 你在干吗? Um, saying a prayer for the missing. 呃 为那些失踪的人祈祷 It's just something I like to do. 只不过是我喜欢做...