1.陨落星辰第一季 第4期:驻地的讨论(2)
I'm also giving you Tom as your second in command. 我任命汤姆做你的副官 You move west, go to ground somewhere around Acton. 你们向西进发 在阿克顿附近...
2.陨落星辰第一季 第3期:驻地的讨论(1)
We holding? 还继续守吗 Who'd we lose? 少了谁 Captain Jameson, Jerrod's cousin, 詹姆森上尉和杰罗德的表哥 and a bunch of guys I didn't know. 还有一群我...
3.陨落星辰第一季 第2期:重甲战士
Go. 快 Go! Take the gas! 快,带上汽油 Bryan, Mechs! Stay down! 布莱恩,有械甲怪,趴下 Get the food. 带上食物 Leave it. 别管了 Here they come! Cover th...
4.陨落星辰第一季 第1期:开端
I was in school when the ships came. 飞船降临时,我在学校 They were really big, 那些飞船很大 and they said that we weren't gonna attack them 大人们说...