1.陨落星辰第一季 第134期:动员大会
You sure you're ready for this? 你真的准备好了吗 Yeah. Yeah. 好了。当然 By the way, I quit taking those pills since we got back. 对了,我回来后一定不...
2.陨落星辰第一季 第133期:化干戈为玉帛
You're fast, Maggie, but not that fast. 玛吉,动作很快,但还是没我快 Sorry...but you may want to reconsider that, professor. 教授,对不起,你最好还是...
3.陨落星辰第一季 第132期:剑拔弩张
Captain Weaver. 韦弗上尉 Dr. Glass, I hear that Tom has been to see you. 格拉斯医生,我听说汤姆去找过你 I need to know where he is. 我想知道他在哪里 H...
4.陨落星辰第一季 第131期:采取行动
Somebody's got their panties in a twist. 屁股后面都着火了啊 Ben. Been here long? 本。你一直待在这里吗 Little while. I've been waiting for you. 有一会...
5.陨落星辰第一季 第130期:越狱
Dad! Give me something to tie him up! 老爸!找东西把他绑起来 What are you doing here? 你来这里干嘛 Well, we tried to make it to the five-mile mark, an...
6.陨落星辰第一季 第129期:哈尔侦察归来
I thought it was them at first. 一开始我以为是它们 You heard it, too? 你也听到了吗 I'm glad it wasn't the Skitters. 我很高兴不是突击者 So are you, rig...
7.陨落星辰第一季 第128期:汤姆被囚禁
Might as well give it a rest, professor. You're not going anywhere. 教授,你还是休息一下为好。你哪里也去不了 Captain Weaver's completely lost it. 韦弗...
8.陨落星辰第一季 第127期:受到信号干扰的本
Ben, did your father send you over to give me a hand? 本,你爸让你过来帮忙吗 Actually, they moved some of the library books in here. 事实上,图书馆的...
9.陨落星辰第一季 第126期:上尉撤掉汤姆职位
Captain. I'd like a word in private. 上尉,我想和你单独谈谈 I told you to set up an O.P. at the five-mile line. 我告诉你让你在五里线设置观察哨 What ar...
10.陨落星辰第一季 第125期:战前准备
That's it! Keep moving. 就是这样,继续 Imagine those Mechs roaring in on you! 想象那些械甲怪在朝你咆哮 How much fun you're gonna have shooting them wi...