1.陨落星辰第一季 第74期:克莱顿带来的坏消息
Terry, good to see you. 特里,很高兴见到你 Yeah. Always had good timing. 你总是适时出现 Mike, you're a sight. 迈克,见到你我也很高兴 Tom. How are the ...
2.陨落星辰第一季 第73期:克莱顿登场
Okay. 好了 Okay. No, go this way! This way. 不,那边不行,走这边 This is what happens when people lose focus. 注意力不集中才会发生这样的事 They get ca...
3.陨落星辰第一季 第72期:药品被抢
Okay, Eli. Say ahh. 伊莱,张开嘴说啊 Don't worry. 别担心 Tongue depressors are the first thing they teach you in medical school. 使用压舌板是医学院教...
4.陨落星辰第一季 第71期:本苏醒过来
Come here. 到这儿来 Many rivers to cross 要越过无数江河 But I can't seem to find 而我似乎无法寻到 My way over 我自己的路 Wandering, I am lost 我四处流...
5.陨落星辰第一季 第70期:期待新生命的到来
Oh, my god. 天哪 It's beautiful. 这真是太美了 Every bead represents a wish or a good thought... 每一颗珠子都代表一个祝福或是一份关心... or a piece of ...
6.陨落星辰第一季 第69期:老爸的表扬
You should get that hand looked at. 你手上的伤应该去找医生看看 They've been a little busy in there. 他们在里面忙着呢 Thanks for what you did back ther...
7.陨落星辰第一季 第68期:拯救孩子们
Put each kid on a stretcher along the wall. 把孩子们挨个放担架上,顺着墙排 Monitor all their vitals, let me know of any changes. 监视所有患者生命体征...
8.陨落星辰第一季 第67期:成功救出本
No Skitters in sight. So far, so good. 没有发现突击者,目前为止,一切顺利 It doesn't feel like that. 好像有点儿不对劲 It's been 20 minutes. 已经过了20...
9.陨落星辰第一季 第66期:父子情深
Okay. Tell me. 好了,重复一遍 Left at the first corridor, lobby, 在第一条走廊左转,进入大厅 left at second corridor, right. 接着在第二条走廊再左转,然...
10.陨落星辰第一季 第65期:安杀死外星人
Without making any noise? Yeah. 悄无声息地杀掉它们吗? 是的 Do you think it's gonna be sleeping in some soundproof chamber with its head in a guillotin...