Taiwanese Susan Boyle Sings 'I Will Always Love You' Better Than Whitney Houston \In case you haven't already seen it, this video of a man singing 'I ...
在迈克尔杰克逊的悼念仪式上波姬小丝数度哽咽悼念迈克尔杰克逊。全文如下: Michael was one of a kind. Thinking back to when we met and the many times that...
3.首访台湾小胖:我自信 我快乐
Taiwan's Susan Boyle: 'Little Fatty' speaks for the first time since becoming YouTube hit. 台湾版苏珊大妈小胖子火了以后第一次接受采访 。 He is being t...
MICHAEL JACKSON - you are not alone LAST WILL OF MICHAEL JOSEPH JACKSON 迈克尔-杰克逊最后遗嘱\ I, MICHAEL JOSEPH JACKSON, a resident of the State of C...
5.美国乡村音乐大奖揭晓 凯莉蝉联年度艺人 Carrie Underwood - little toy guns
Carrie Underwood has made history after becoming the first female artist to win entertainer of the year at the Academy of Country Music Awards twice。...
6.Lady gaga:使劲赚足人们眼球 Lady gaga - just dance
It wasn't an outfit designed for a camera shy wallflower. 这套装扮可不是给一朵面对镜头就害羞的壁花女人所设计的哦。 The combination of 8inch heels, one...
7.杰克逊《颤栗》获评最具影响力音乐电视作品 Thriller - Michael Jackson
Thriller voted most influential pop video in poll Michael Jackson's video for his hit single Thriller has been voted the most influential in pop music...
8.梁静茹婚礼全纪录视频背景歌曲 Matt Nathanson - Come On Get Higher
情歌天后梁静茹于2010年2月1日与赵元同(Tony)在菲律宾长滩岛DISCOVERY SHORES HOTEL举办了浪漫的沙滩婚礼。 梁静茹婚礼的全纪录视频《Fish Leong and Tony Cha...
9.Lady Gaga变身麦田稻草人 Lady Gaga - poker face
Lady Gaga再多的语言都无法形容的女人,这次现身全英音乐大奖,着实又让世人震惊了一把。不过一位农场主却因此突发灵感,想出了保护麦田的好点子,是什么呢? An...
10.苏珊大妈过寿 收礼收到手发软 Susan Boyle - i dreamed a dream
As far as birthday presents go, it sounds too good to be true. But when you have friends like Simon Cowell perhaps it is only to be expected. 单就生日...