1.世界节假日博览 第115期:国际恐慌日
Are you a panic? Do you panic easily? Are you ever in a blind panic? Do you suffer from panic attacks? If the answer to any of these questions is yes,...
2.世界节假日博览 第114期:世界防治荒漠化和干旱日
One of the most pressing problems facing our world today is the advance of deserts and the droughts this causes. June 17 is officially the World Day t...
3.世界节假日博览 第113期:世界献血日
Millions of people are alive today because they received the blood given by another person. June 14 is World Blood Donor Day. This is the day on which...
4.世界节假日博览 第112期:美国国旗日
Flag Day is celebrated in the United States on June 14. It commemorates the birth of the countrys flag on June 14, 1777. It was not until 1916 that Pr...
5.世界节假日博览 第111期:世界无童工日
One of the worlds most serious problems is the use of child labour. June 12 is the World Day Against Child Labour. All around the world people will ta...
6.世界节假日博览 第110期:世界海洋日
Over seventy per cent of the Earths surface is ocean. Many of our oceans are being damaged by human activity. On June 8, we recognize the importance o...
7.世界节假日博览 第109期:全国溜溜球日
June 6 is National Yo-Yo Day. This is the date of birth of the man who popularized yo-yos in the USA. His name was Donald Duncan and he got into the y...
8.世界节假日博览 第108期:诺曼底登陆日
June 6, 1944 was one of the most important days in the modern history of the USA and Europe. It was on this day that the tide turned against Hitlers p...
9.世界节假日博览 第107期:全国甜甜圈日
National Doughnut Day is on the first Friday of June every year. Of course, the holiday celebrates something most of us love the donut. Most countries...
10.世界节假日博览 第106期:世界环境日
World Environment Day (WED) is a day we all need to put in our diaries. It happens on June 5 every year and should be one of the most important days o...