1.赖世雄英语新闻听力通 第42期:恐怖的教堂枪击案
(HOPKINSVILLE, Ky.,USA)Two women are dead of ter being shot by the estranged husband of one of the victims. (美国肯德基州霍普金斯维市报道)两名妇女被...
2.赖世雄英语新闻听力通 第41期:放了屁却死不认帐
(LONDON, Reuters)Police are looking for a policeman who failed to apologize after breaking wind in a family's London home during a drug raid. (路透社...
3.赖世雄英语新闻听力通 第40期:偷来的手机不能用
(LONDON, Reuters)Thieves who steal mobile phones may soon find them unusable. (路透社伦敦电)偷手机的窃贼可能在不久之后就会发现,那些偷来的手机根本不...
4.赖世雄英语新闻听力通 第39期:用臀部灭火
(PARIS. Reuters)A man tried to extinguish the eternal flame burning under the Arc de Triomphe by sitting on it. (路透社巴黎电)一位仁兄坐在凯旋门下的...
5.赖世雄英语新闻听力通 第38期:监狱被骗释放犯人
(PARIS, Reuters)Three French prisoners were released through the open doors of their jail after prison officials fell for a fake fax. (路透社巴黎电)...
6.赖世雄英语新闻听力通 第37期:也门市场发生爆炸案
(SANA, Yemen)An explosion injured 50 people and killed at least 10. (也门萨那市电)一场爆炸造成五十人受伤以及至少十人丧生。 It had occurred in a trad...
7.赖世雄英语新闻听力通 第36期:一夜之间变富翁
(SYDNEY, Renters)A laid-off Australian man became a multi-millionaire when he discovered he had won a$4.5 million lottery. (路透社悉尼电)一名被解雇...
8.赖世雄英语新闻听力通 第35期:空手道冠军击退强暴犯
(COLOMBO, Reuters) Four Sri Lankan men were arrested after trying to rape two women. (路透社科伦坡电)四名斯里兰卡之狼在试图强暴两位妇女之后遭到逮捕...
9.赖世雄英语新闻听力通 第34期:发财梦难圆
(CALGARY, Alberta, Reuters)A Canadian company made a$99 million mistake. (路透社亚柏达省卡尔格瑞电)加拿大的一家公司犯了一个高达九千九百万美元之离谱...
10.赖世雄英语新闻听力通 第33期:"猴人"也有分身
(JAIPUR,India,Reuters)Less than a week after a mysterious monkey man was reported in New Delhi, villagers from Jaipur said a monkey man had attacked...