1.老友记精校版第1季 第21期:参加助产培训班(9)
Rachel: Why are why are you so tanned? 你为何晒得这么黑? Barry: Oh, I, uh I went to Aruba. 哦,我,呃,我到阿鲁巴了。 Rachel: Oh no. You went on our ...
2.老友记精校版第1季 第20期:参加助产培训班(8)
Carol: Ross? That opens my cervix. (He drops it in horror. ) 罗斯,那是用来打开我的子宫颈的。 Rachel: Barry? 巴瑞? Barry: Come on in. 进来吧。 Rachel...
3.老友记精校版第1季 第19期:参加助产培训班(7)
Ross: Anyway.... um...(Starts to sweep. ) So, you uh you nervous about Barry tomorrow? 总之,额,明天要见巴瑞你紧张吗? Rachel: Oh...a little. 哦,有...
4.老友记精校版第1季 第18期:参加助产培训班(6)
Monica: So, Ross, what's going on with you? 罗斯,最近你怎么样? Any stories? No news, no little anecdotes to share with the folks? 最近有什么八卦、新...
5.老友记精校版第1季 第17期:参加助产培训班(5)
Monica: Actually, we were going to have lasagna. 实际上,我们本来是要吃千层面的。 Mr. Geller: oh, I love lasagna. 哦,我喜欢千层面。 Monica: But now w...
6.老友记精校版第1季 第16期:参加助产培训班(4)
Monica: Wwwh...wha...www... 什,什,什,什么? Ross: Yeah. Do that for another two hours, you might be where I am right about now. (He enters. ) 是的...
7.老友记精校版第1季 第15期:参加助产培训班(3)
Monica: That's because as far as my parents are concerned, Ross can do no wrong. You see, he's the Prince. Apparently they had some big ceremony befor...
8.老友记精校版第1季 第14期:参加助产培训班(2)
Marsha: Can I stay? 我可以留在这吗? Ross: That would be no. 答案会是不。 Ross: Hi. 嗨。 嗨 Carol:Is this a bad time? 时间不巧? Ross: oh, no it'sthe ...
9.老友记精校版第1季 第13期:参加助产培训班(1)
Monica: What you guys don't understand is, for us, kissing is as important as any part of it. 你们男生不懂的是,对于我们而言,亲吻和其他任何部分一样重...
10.老友记精校版第1季 第12期:莫妮卡的新室友(12)
Monica: See ya. Wait, wait. Hey, what's with you? I just grabbed a spoon. 再见等等,你怎么了? 我只是刚刚拿起一个勺子。 Joey: I can't believe what I'm...