Gotham This is your only warning. Abandon the city, or _________1_________. The last will and _________2________: Thomas Wayne. In the event of my dea...
Bring it up! All the way. Dad, you can't keep spending money on junk. I can break it down and strip it for parts. ____________1___________. Something ...
Do you need help? Theres nothing to help with. What are you doing? Going fishing. Im telling you theres no fish out there. How did this happen? Come w...
Yoda, my old friend, it is I, Qui-Gon Jinn. The voice I hear does not come from within, but speaks from beyond. You must complete what I could not. Co...
Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference bet...
Drop it! Now! Yeah, cool man. No problem! No problem at all. Who are you? Star-Lord. Who? Star-Lord, man. Legendary outlaw. Forget it. We arrested the...
Las Vegas, _____________1____________, the pools and the strip-bars, its the best place in the world for men and women to get there and freak on. Zeke...
We always wanted to feel different unique. Objective analysis however concluded that ___________1___________. Everyones getting rich except you! What ...
Hey, I'm Elisabeth. What's up? Nothing much. I'm actually just trying to make some new friends. I'll be your friend. Oh, cool. Okay, yeah, let's be fr...
You don't go to the movies, do you? I don't, __________1________. Is there a reason why you're asking me this? You know, maybe, if you had recommendat...