1.美国有线新闻 CNN 美一批冷冻披萨受病菌感染被召回
If you got a frozen pizza in your house, have a look at the label before you bake it. U.S. Department of Agriculture announced last week that more tha...
2.美国有线新闻 CNN FBI称正查特朗普竞选团队与俄关系
The players: James Comey, the director of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the House Intelligence Committee. Its part of the House of Rep...
3.美国有线新闻 CNN 美国严查芬太尼
Getting started this Monday, its considered one of the most dangerous drugs in the world. It factors in heavily to the heroin epidemic weve reported o...
4.美国国家公共电台 NPR 荷兰大选引关注 显现欧洲政治风向
First story, people from around the world are closely watching what happens with an election in the Netherlands. With the population of just over 17 m...
5.美国国家公共电台 NPR 美日韩军舰进行联合反导演习 朝鲜强烈抗议
Eight days after North Korea test-fired four missiles, warships from the U.S., Japan and South Korea arrived in the same area, carrying missile defens...
6.美国国家公共电台 NPR 美国共和党医保方案至2026年或将使2400万人失去保险
We're starting with a U.S. government report concerning a Republican plan to reform health care in America. The report came this week from the Congres...
7.美国有线新闻 CNN 非洲多国面临饥荒 联合国急需44亿美元援助资金
An urgent warning from the United Nations leads off today's show. The organization's humanitarian coordinator says more than 20 million people are thr...
8.美国有线新闻 CNN 朴槿惠遭弹劾下台 有人欢喜有人痛哭
Major political change is going on right now in South Korea. The Asian country's former president left the executive mansion yesterday, three months a...
9.美国有线新闻 CNN 美海军陆战队进入叙利亚 支援叙武装力量夺取IS大本营
U.S. Marines are reportedly on the ground in the Middle Eastern country of Syria and they have artillery. They're gearing up for an assault on the nor...
10.美国有线新闻 CNN 美在韩部署萨德遭中方强烈反对 详解萨德反导系统
The Terminal High Altitude Area Defense or THAAD is a missile defense system. It uses missile to stop missiles. And the U.S. has deployed the first co...