George Washington was born on February 22, 1732 in Westmoreland County, Virginia. He was the First President of the United States. Although our nation...
We've lost our dog. Luckily he has a tag around his collar and he is also microchipped. It's a smart idea to get your dog microchipped. The microchip ...
My school is having a fundraiser. We are trying to raise money for new gym equipment. We need money to replace all of the old and worn-out athletic ge...
Students of public speaking continually ask, How can I overcome self-consciousness and the fear that paralyzes me before an audience? Did you ever not...
Once upon a time in a certain country there lived a king whose palace was surrounded by a spacious garden. But, though the gardeners were many and the...
When Edward Temple was about eight or nine years old he was afflicted with a disorder of the eyes. It was so severe, and his sight was naturally so de...
The Pony Express was the first rapid transit and the first fast mail line across the continent from the Missouri River to the Pacific Coast. It was a ...
Jim was the son of a cowboy, and lived on the broad plains of Arizona. His father had trained him to lasso a bronco or a young bull with perfect accur...
Let me give you directions to my house. I think it's very easy to find, but people always seem to get lost. From your house, get on the main road. Tra...
One summer night a man stood on a low hill overlooking a wide expanse of forest and field. By the full moon hanging low in the west he knew what he mi...