A: Damn Mark. I never noticed that belly of yours. B: It's all the beer. I need to start working out again. A: That reminds me. I should've hit the gy...
A: I can't believe it took you so long to ask me out on a date. B: I always thought you liked Mark, so I didn't think I had a chance. A: I had this th...
A: Hi. Aren't you in my sociology class? B: I think so. With Professor Robinson right? A: Yeah. I'm Nicole. B: I'm George. It's nice to meet you. A: H...
A: What are you doing here on the bench? You've been here for an hour. B: I'm just thinking about Lucy. I can't get her out of my mind. I think I'm fa...
A: How are you feeling these days? B: I don't know. A little bored and restless I guess. A: Why is that? B: I have so much time on my hands and I have...
A: What are you afraid of? B: I'm not sure. I used to be scared of a lot of things when I was young, but not anymore. A: Are you afraid of death? B: O...
A: Hey Mike. I heard about your break up. You must be devastated. B: It's more than I can bear. I don't think I can go on. A: Come on Mike. It's not t...
A: What did Mike get you for your birthday Pam? B: He got me a watch. See. A: That's beautiful. He must have spent a fortune on it. B: He's so great. ...
A: So Mark. What is your favorite hobby? B: Probably sports. A: Anything specific? Or just sports in general. B: Most sports. I like basketball, footb...
A: What do you think about Matt's new girlfriend? B: Samantha? She's pretty hot. I can't believe she fell for Matt. A: I don't seem to have much luck ...