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1.见信如晤Letters Live 第16期:'奥斯卡伊萨克'读信:我爱我的妻子,她去世了(1)
D' Arline, 亲爱的阿琳, I adore you, sweetheart. 我爱你,亲爱的。 I know how much you like to hear thatbut I don't only write it because you like itI ...
2.见信如晤Letters Live 第15期:'露易丝布瑞莉'读信:女性不应该被完全废除吗(2)
Later on in life they are subject to grave and long-continued mental disorders, and, if not quite insane, many of them have to be shut up. 她们在后来...
3.见信如晤Letters Live 第14期:'露易丝布瑞莉'读信:女性不应该被完全废除吗(1)
March 30th, 1912 1912年3月30日 To the Editor of The Times. 致泰晤士报的编辑 Sir, After reading Sir Almroth Wright's able and weighty exposition of wom...
4.见信如晤Letters Live 第13期:'凯丽米洛'读信:我的缪斯女神不是一匹马(2)
I have always been of the opinion that my music is unique and individual and exists beyond the realms inhabited by those who would reduce things to me...
5.见信如晤Letters Live 第12期:'凯丽米洛'读信:我的缪斯女神不是一匹马(1)
21 Oct 1996 1996年10月21日 To all those at MTV, 致MTV团队全体同仁 I would like to start by thanking you all for the support you have given me over rec...
6.见信如晤Letters Live 第11期:'卷福'读信:你痛苦中的
My dear Norman, I don't think I really do know much about jobs, except the one I had during the war, and that certainly did not involve any traveling....
7.见信如晤Letters Live 第10期:'罗素.布兰德'读信:长大成为优秀革命家(2)
Remember that the revolution is what is important, and each one of us, alone is worth nothing. 要记住,革命才是重要的,而我们每一个单独的个体却毫无价...
8.见信如晤Letters Live 第9期:'罗素.布兰德'读信:长大成为优秀革命家(1)
Grow Up As Good Revolutionaries 长大成为优秀的革命家 To my children Dear Hildita, Aleidita, Camilo, Celia, And Ernesto: 致我的孩子希尔蒂塔,阿莱蒂塔,...
9.见信如晤Letters Live 第8期:'卷福'读信:我全心全意去拥抱您
19th of November, 1957 1957年11月19日 Dear Monsieur Germain: 亲爱的杰曼先生: I let the commotion around me these days subside a bit before speaking t...
10.见信如晤Letters Live 第7期:'抖森'&路易读信:所有女士都喜欢络腮胡(2)
SpringField Ilinois 斯普林菲尔德 伊利诺伊 Oct 19,1860 1860年10月19日 Miss Grace Bedell My dear little Miss 亲爱的小格蕾丝贝戴尔小姐: Your very agreea...