1.美国有线新闻 CNN 巴塞罗那恐怖袭击 当地火车站全部关闭
We`re starting today`s show with an explanation of a terrorist attack that took place yesterday in northeastern Spain. The mayor of the Spanish city o...
2.美国有线新闻 CNN 清理海洋塑料垃圾
The North Pacific gyre is our next stop. It`s a giant clockwise rotating current between Asia and North America, and it`s home to the Great Pacific Ga...
3.美国有线新闻 CNN “料理鼠王”——旧金山以老鼠为特色的餐厅
It takes a special kind of restaurant to ignore it when rats are walking around and that`s just the kind of restaurant this is. No, it`s not up to hea...
4.美国有线新闻 CNN 造福零售业的条形码
When it comes to retail products, what does UPC stand for? 当涉及到零售产品时,UPC代表什么? Unique Product Code, Universal Product Code, Unique Price ...
5.美国有线新闻 CNN 退伍军人创收容所治疗创伤后应激障碍
When he came home from the Vietnam War, U.S. Marine Bob Adams had post-traumatic stress and didn`t know it. In the decades that followed, he found him...
6.美国有线新闻 CNN 吉尼斯世界纪录 美食s`mores
Many people share a common love for a sandwich of grand crackers, marshmallows and chocolate and here are some more. What`s uncommon is these many peo...
7.美国有线新闻 CNN 朝鲜推迟袭击关岛计划 美韩即将开始联合军演
We told you the other day how threatening statements between North Korea and the U.S. were going back and forth and how North Korean officials had dis...
8.美国有线新闻 CNN 委内瑞拉经济崩盘 局势加速恶化
Venezuela has been in the news a lot this year. Massive protests have been taking place since cities across the country, including Caracas, the Venezu...
9.美国有线新闻 CNN 美国弗州暴力冲突升级 种族主义顽疾难除
AZUZ: A state of emergency was declared over the weekend in the U.S. state of Virginia. What that does is speed up the help that's needed to a particu...
10.美国有线新闻 CNN 美朝口水仗升级 两国恩怨大梳理
美朝口水仗升级 两国恩怨大梳理 One major issue between North Korea and the international community is the communist country's nuclear and missile progr...