1.2014年CRI 我国今迎首个国家宪法日 美国称伊朗空袭伊斯兰国伊方否认
Chinese President Xi Jinping is calling for greater awareness of the Constitution and a better understanding of the rule of law in this country. Xi Ji...
2.2014年CRI 占中三子今日向警方自首 国民党主席马英九正式提出辞职
Three founders of Hong Kong's so-called Occupy movement have announced they will surrender themselves to police later on today. Benny Tai, Chu Yiu-min...
3.2014年CRI 香港特区政府强烈谴责占中暴行 中国将大力开展反避税工作
The Hong Kong government has issued a strong condemnation of the so-called Occupy protesters. The condemnation follows a violent outburst yesterday mo...
4.2014年CRI 李克强考察艾滋病防治工作 占中示威者与警方发生冲突
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang is promising to increase the government's commitment toward the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS. At the same time, he ...
5.2014年CRI 贵州煤矿事故致11人死亡 国防部:中国军队继续深入推进反腐败工作
贵州煤矿事故致11人死亡 国防部:中国军队继续深入推进反腐败工作 A coal mine explosion in the southwestern Chinese province of Guizhou has left 11 people ...
6.2014年CRI 外交部副部长刘振民出席南盟峰会 弗格森枪击案裁决引全美大规模抗议
The Chinese government says it hopes to increase its ties with South Asia by increasing trade and investment to the region. China's Deputy Foreign Min...
7.2014年CRI 中国碳排放2030年达峰值 外交部要求菲立即释放中国渔民
The Chinese government has issued a new promise to honor its commitments to cap its carbon-emission growth by 2030. The pledge has been made as a Chin...
8.2014年CRI 中国拟全面禁烟 伊朗核谈期限延至明年七月
The Chinese government is working on imposing a ban on all forms of tobacco advertising, sponsorship and promotion of tobacco products. There are also...
9.2014年CRI 四川康定地震已致5死50余伤 王毅赴维也纳出席伊朗核谈判
Relief efforts are in full swing following a 6.3 magnitude earthquake in Sichuan this weekend which has left 5 people dead and more than 50 others inj...
10.2014年CRI 中新建立全面战略伙伴关系 秦皇岛医院宿舍发生命案7死1伤
China and New Zealand have announced plans to take their relationship to the level of a comprehensive strategic partnership. The announcement has been...