Earth Station - The term used to describe the combination of antenna, low-noise amplifier (LNA), down-converter, and receiver electronics that are use...
Email - This is electronic-mail, that is text messages that are sent over the internet. Emoticons - This is a contraction meaning emotional icon that ...
补充: E-1 - The European equivalent of a T-1. E911 Taxes/Surcharges - This tax is set and imposed by local governments to help pay for the cost of an...
EMI electromagnetic interference; also, exchange message interface End Office (EO) EO is a LEC (BOC or an ITC) switching system within a LATA where lo...
Fade - This is a reduction in the received signal. It is caused by absorption, refraction, or reflection. Fax - This is a shortening of Facsimile, and...
Focal Length - Distance from the exact center of the dish to the center of the feed. Focal Point - The physical point in space toward which the satell...
补充: FAQ - An acronym for Frequently Asked Questions. FAQs are online documents that list and answer the most common questions on a particular subje...
Frame In time division multiplexing systems, Frame is a sequence of time slots each containing a sample from one of the channels carried by the system...
Gain - This is an increase in signal power, due to a boost from an electronic device. Garbage - These are unwanted characters that appear because of e...
Ground - Connecting the Earth to electrical equipment with a conductor. This is done so current overloads (perhaps due to a lightning strike) can be s...