SAFENET survivable adaptable fiber-optic embedded network Satellite Communications Satellite communications entails microwave radio, line-of-sight pro...
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) SNMP is the application protocol offering network management service in the Internet suite of protocols. A s...
SSN switched service network SS signaling system Station Equipment Station equipment is a component of telecommunications systems such as a telephone ...
Secure Internet Protocols - A set of security rules or standards that determines how computers talk to each other on a network. Serial Line Internet P...
T1 Carrier A T1 carrier is a time-division multiplexed digital transmission facility capable of supporting 24 voice channels, (each encoded as a 64 kb...
Terrestrial Microwave Radio Terrestrial microwave radio is a transmission systems consisting of at least two radio transmitter/receivers (transceivers...
Transmission Facilities Transmission facilities provide the communication paths that carry user and network control information between nodes in a net...
UIS Universal Information Services UNE Unbundled Network Elements (also known as UNE) are a requirement mandated by the Telecommunications Act of 1996...
VAD value-added distributor VAN value-added network VAR value-added reseller VBR variable bit rate VCI virtual circuit identifier VCS virtual circuit ...
10.电信专业英英词典W, X, Y, Z
WAN wide area network WARC World Administrative Radio Consortium WATS Wide-area telecommunications services. See Wide-area telecommunications services...