1.美国有线新闻 CNN 载美国议员列车与垃圾车相撞
Investigators are trying to figure out what led to an accident yesterday that involved a large garbage truck and train carrying dozens of members of t...
2.美国有线新闻 CNN 美疾控中心主任因利益冲突辞职
The director of the CDC, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, resigned from her job on Wednesday. Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald, an obstetrician/gynecologist...
3.美国有线新闻 CNN 载美国议员列车与垃圾车相撞 美疾控中心主任因利益冲突辞职
AZUZ: Investigators are trying to figure out what led to an accident yesterday that involved a large garbage truck and train carrying dozens of member...
4.美国有线新闻 CNN 也门政府军与胡塞武装冲突持续 国际航运受影响
也门政府军与胡塞武装冲突持续 国际航运受影响 First, today, we're going to the Middle East, for an update for the war-torn country of Yemen. It's locate...
5.美国有线新闻 CNN 致命流感肆虐美国 揭秘四大致命原因
Which of these seasons typically coincides with fall and winter in the U.S.? Baseball season, hurricane season, flu season, or carnival season? The on...
6.美国有线新闻 CNN 美民主党议员回应特朗普国情咨文
AZUZ: Another State the Union tradition is the opposing political party's response. The first televised one of those took place in 1966 after the Stat...
7.美国有线新闻 CNN 特朗普发表上任后首份国情咨文
特朗普发表上任后首份国情咨文 And an act required by the U.S. Constitution played out in America last night. Our first topic today is the president's S...
8.美国有线新闻 CNN 83吨埃及拉美西斯二世巨型雕像搬家 入驻大埃及博物馆
Only one of the Seven Wonders that remains is the Great Pyramid of Giza and that's located in Egypt. AZUZ: Just one of the priceless archeological rel...
9.美国有线新闻 CNN 德国3大车企被曝用猴子测试汽车尾气
AZUZ: A controversial study has come to light that involved animal testing of car exhaust. It was carried out in 2014 at a research lab in New Mexico....
10.美国有线新闻 CNN 喀布尔接连发生血腥恐怖袭击 ISIS和塔利班为幕后元凶
The war-torn nation of Afghanistan is where we start. Despite an effort by a U.S.-led coalition to topple the nation's former rulers, a terrorist grou...