1.Google Doodle Honors Carter G. Woodson, the 'Father of Black History'
This is Whats Trending Today February 1 marks the beginning of Black History Month in the United States and other countries around the world. On Thurs...
2.Court Overturns Olympic Doping Bans
The Court of Arbitration for Sport has rejected an International Olympic Committee (IOC) decision to bar 28 Russian athletes from Olympic competition....
3.North Koreans Arrive in South Korea for Olympics
Ten North Korean skaters and skiers arrived in South Korea on Thursday to take part in the Winter Olympics, which opens next week. Final preparations ...
4.Eagles Face Patriots in Super Bowl Sunday
Every year, more Americans gather around their televisions to watch the Super Bowl than any other single broadcast. 每年围在电视机前观看超级碗的美国观...
5. Everyday Grammar: Mastering Reported Speech
We often need to tell others what someone else said. There are two ways to do this. One is to say the same words and use quotation marks. That is dire...
Meet the Whale That Can Say 'Hello' and 'Bye Bye' This is Whats Trending Today Wikie is a 14-year-old whale living in captivity in France. Wikie is an...
Trump Calls for a 'New American Moment' in Speech President Donald Trump sought to unite a deeply divided nation with his call for a new American mome...
8.Report Studies Growing Trees for Profit
Governments around the world have promised billions of dollars to replant trees on millions of hectares of poor land. What is missing are the business...
Bees Protect Crops from Wild Elephants in India People in Mayilattumpara, a village in southwest India, could not sleep at night. Because of habitat l...
Russia Warns Against Cutting North Koreas Oil Supply Russias ambassador to North Korea says oil shipments to the North should not be reduced again. Ru...