1.英文书摘精选 父母控制软件让恶意网站无法趁虚而入
The Internet has become an indispensable part of life for many children and young people nowadays. Yet risks abound. Children must be protected from d...
2.英文书摘精选 如何对付缺乏公德心的邻居
Dear Annie: I live next door to people who leave their windows open and have the television blaring most of the night, while their children play loud ...
3.英文书摘精选 醋坛子老公有暴力倾向怎么办?
Dear Annie: I am a young married woman. My husband, let's call him Pete, is very possessive and jealous. He also has an anger problem. Anytime I go to...
4.英文书摘精选 周杰伦导演处女作「不能说的秘密」
Dear Annie: I recently came across an e-mail from my 15-year-old daughter to her 22-year-old cousin that was rather revealing. (OK, I was snooping.) M...
5.英文书摘精选 谁进化得更好
About six or seven million years ago chimpanzees and humans evolved from a common primate ancestor. Chimps went on to become the relatively small-brai...
6.英文书摘精选 1500年前,丝绸生产是中国的国家机密
Fifteen hundred years ago in China, silk production was a state secret. The silk trade was so valuable that anyone who tried to take silkworm eggs or ...
7.英文书摘精选 亚太地区儿童生存,卫生情况糟糕
The Asian Development Bank says Asia and the Pacific are behind in meeting certain parts the United Nation's Millennium Development Goals. A new repor...
8.英文书摘精选 可以吃的花
Yael: Don, are you eating my tulips? Don: Just having myself a little snack. Y: Of MY tulips? I brought those in here to brighten the place up, not fo...
9.英文书摘精选 女人和烟
More and more women have began smoking in the last few decades. One of the reasons is savvy marketing as Don explains to Yael in this Moment of Scienc...
10.英文书摘精选 千金难买老来瘦
Think back to your college days, the good old days when life was easy. Stay up all night partying or even studying? No problem. Eat pizza every night ...