1.美国有线新闻 CNN 刚果共和国埃博拉病毒
Todays global coverage begins in Central Africa. International health officials say they have reason to be cautiously optimistic about limiting the sp...
2.美国有线新闻 CNN 美国爆发大肠杆菌疫情 CDC呼吁民众停止食用长叶生菜
AZUZ: Romaine is another type that's getting attention for the wrong reason. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control is warning that a recent E. coli out...
3.美国有线新闻 CNN 法国总统马克龙对美国进行国事访问 加拿大多伦多发生汽车冲撞行人事件
And we're starting today's show with a bit of trivia. What nation is widely considered America's oldest ally? The answer to that France. It factors in...
4.美国有线新闻 CNN 金正恩宣布朝鲜新战略路线 中止核导试验集中力量发展经济
Now, we're moving to Eastern Asia, where North Korea's leadership looks like it's making a major policy change. Over the weekend, the communist countr...
5.美国有线新闻 CNN 尼加拉瓜爆发改革抗议活动 阿富汗选民登记中心遭炸弹袭击致57死
尼加拉瓜爆发改革抗议活动 阿富汗选民登记中心遭炸弹袭击致57死 First place we're going to is Central America. There have been some violent protests over ...
6.美国有线新闻 CNN 古巴将确定新一任领导人 告别卡斯特罗时代
First story we're explaining today takes us to an island nation famously said to be 90 miles away from Key West, Florida, but which has a very differe...
7.美国有线新闻 CNN 美国中情局局长秘密访朝与金正恩会面 前总统老布什夫人逝世
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Never before has a sitting U.S. president met with the sitting leader of North Korea. But with plans for a meeting in the wo...
8.美国有线新闻 CNN 美国最高法院考虑电商征收销售税 日本首相安倍晋三到访特朗普私人庄园
Today's show starts with a pair of significant cases in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. The first involves part of a federal law that concerned immig...
9.美国有线新闻 CNN 禁止化学武器组织调查叙利亚化武阴云
The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons or OPCW is an independent organization. Its goals include getting rid of the chemical weapons...
10.美国有线新闻 CNN 美英法联合打击叙利亚 俄罗斯伊朗谴责
On Friday night, the United States, the United Kingdom and France worked together to launch military strikes on the Middle Eastern country of Syria. T...