1.舌尖上的中国第1季 第91期:五味的调和(13)
The Zhenjiang vinegar is made from sticky rice. 镇江香醋的原料是糯米 Production starts with soaking the sticky rice. 浸泡过的糯米经过高温蒸煮 The rice...
2.舌尖上的中国第1季 第90期:五味的调和(12)
Acidity is a special flavor that not only affects the tongue but the nose as well. 酸是一种奇妙的味道不仅舌头能感觉到 我们的鼻子也对它十分敏感 It come...
3.舌尖上的中国第1季 第89期:五味的调和(11)
About one thousand years ago, war and famine forced the Hakka ancestors to depart from China's central plains, embarking on a collective southward mig...
4.舌尖上的中国第1季 第88期:五味的调和(10)
What Liu makes is coarse salt,a must-have ingredient for the average family in the area. 阿刘生产的是未经加工的大粒盐,这是粤东沿海人家厨房调味罐里的必...
5.舌尖上的中国第1季 第87期:五味的调和(9)
In China, saltiness is deemed as the most important flavor. 在中国的烹饪辞典里盐是百味之首 Every day except for rainy ones,Liu Yingwu is busy working ...
6.舌尖上的中国第1季 第86期:五味的调和(8)
In Chen's memory,his parents were always busy taking care of their business. 阿伦的记忆里,父母始终只是店里日夜忙碌的身影 Childhood was a bitter memory...
7.舌尖上的中国第1季 第85期:五味的调和(7)
Only the Chinese can appreciate the subtlety of the mixture of bitterness and fragrance 中国人喜爱陈皮苦中回甘的芳香 from the dried tangerine peel, ju...
8.舌尖上的中国第1季 第84期:五味的调和(6)
Apart from sweetness,Chinese people seem to also have a gift for appreciating bitterness. 中国人在品尝生活的甘甜之时似乎也很善于欣赏苦 The taste buds ...
9.舌尖上的中国第1季 第83期:五味的调和(5)
After being boiled,syrup is poured into a jar. 糖浆熬得恰到好处倒入一个广口锅中 Gentle rotation of the jar will not only cool the syrup down 轻轻旋转...
10.舌尖上的中国第1季 第82期:五味的调和(4)
Some 100 km away from Dahao, Wuxi thrives with industry and commerce. 距达壕古城100多公里之外的无锡工商兴旺, Its residents enjoy a prosperous life.Al...