1.美国学生世界地理教材 第100期:低于海平面的国家(2)
Another city of Belgium beginning with a B is Bruges. 比利时还有一个以B开头的城市是布鲁日(Bruges)。 Bruges has many streets of water with bridges cr...
2.美国学生世界地理教材 第99期:低于海平面的国家(1)
Chapter 30 The Land Below the Sea 低于海平面的国家 Bells and Battle-fields dont seem to go together, but north of France is a land of Bells and Battle...
3.美国学生世界地理教材 第98期:你讲法语吗?(续)(3)
The River Rh?ne flows south into a gulf called the Gulf of Lyons, which is a part of the Mediterranean Sea. 罗讷河往南流入一个海湾,叫做里昂湾,它是地...
4.美国学生世界地理教材 第97期:你讲法语吗?(续)(2)
When we eat our meals we almost always do so indoors, where we can see no one else and no one else can see us. 我们就餐几乎总在室内,我们看不到别人,...
5.美国学生世界地理教材 第96期:你讲法语吗续?(1)
Chapter 29 Parlez-vous Franchise? (continued) 你讲法语吗?(续) There are two French words which I know you know, even if you don speak French. 即使...
6.美国学生世界地理教材 第95期:你讲法语吗?(4)
Before Christ was born people believed there were many gods who were like good and bad fairies, 在基督诞生之前,人们相信世界上有很多神,这些神有的像善...
7.美国学生世界地理教材 第94期:你讲法语吗?(3)
There is another famous church in Paris built to that other Mary in the Bible known as Mary Magdalene. 巴黎还有一个著名的教堂是为《圣经》里另外一个玛...
8.美国学生世界地理教材 第93期:你讲法语吗?(2)
When you land in France you see French flags flying; 到了法国,你就看到法国国旗在各处飘扬; they are red, white, and blue, the same colors as our own ...
9.美国学生世界地理教材 第92期:你讲法语吗?(1)
Chapter 28 Parlez-vous Franchise 第28章 你讲法语吗? I konw a boy who has never been to school and who has never had a French lesson in his life, but ...
10.美国学生世界地理教材 第91期:英格兰人的邻居(3)
Most of the people of Northern Ireland are Presbyterians like the Scots or Episcopalians like the English, 北爱尔兰的大部分人像苏格兰人一样,是长老会...