1.美国学生世界地理教材 第78期:白银之国和棉条之国(4)
The Valley of Paradise is in Chileonly it isnt what you would think Paradise would be. 智利有个天堂之谷只是它不是你想象中的那个天堂。 It is the chief ...
2.美国学生世界地理教材 第77期:白银之国和棉条之国(3)
The Andes Mountains separate Argentina from a very long and narrow country on the Pacific shore named Chile. 安第斯山脉把阿根廷和位于太平洋沿岸的一个...
3.美国学生世界地理教材 第76期:白银之国和棉条之国(2)
Argentina is so much like the United States in a great many ways that it is often called the United States of South America. 阿根廷在很多方面很像美国...
4.美国学生世界地理教材 第75期:白银之国和棉条之国(1)
Chapter 23 Silver Land and Sliver Land 第23章 白银之国和棉条之国 We give babies names when they are born, but sometimes when the babies grow up the na...
5.美国学生世界地理教材 第74期:橡胶和咖啡之国(3)
Men go through the Selvas and wherever they find a rubber-tree they cut notches in the tree trunk and fasten a cup underneath to catch the trees sap, ...
6.美国学生世界地理教材 第73期:橡胶和咖啡之国(2)
The land around the Amazon River is called Selvaswhich means woods. 亚马逊河附近的地区叫做热带雨林就是森林的意思。 It is not only woods but jungles an...
7.美国学生世界地理教材 第72期:橡胶和咖啡之国(1)
Chapter 22 Rubber and Coffee Land 第22章 橡胶和咖啡之国 Moutains make rivers. If a continent were flatabsolutely flat and level like a tablethere woul...
8.美国学生世界地理教材 第71期:南美洲北部(4)
Have you ever heard of a man named Simon Bolivar? 你听说过一个叫做西蒙 ?玻利瓦尔的人吗? Probably not, but in South America every boy and girl knows h...
9.美国学生世界地理教材 第70期:南美洲北部(3)
They often fight, not with bows and arrows, but with huge blow-pipesas long as a man 他们经常打斗,使用的武器不是弓和箭,而是巨大的吹矢枪足有一人长 us...
10.美国学生世界地理教材 第69期:南美洲北部(2)
In British Guiana far back in the wilds is a waterfall nearly five times as high as Niagara, 在英属圭亚那偏远的荒野有一个瀑布,几乎有尼亚加拉瀑布五倍...