1.美国学生世界地理教材 第38期:五个大水坑(1)
Chapter 9 Five Big Puddles 第9章 五个大水坑 Did you ever wonder what an ant must think of us giants who tread on his ant-hills, or what he must think ...
2.美国学生世界地理教材 第37期:扬基人的定居地(3)
In New Hampshire there are mountains called the White Mountains, and one of these White Mountains, named after our First President, is Mount Washingto...
3.美国学生世界地理教材 第36期:扬基人的定居地(2)
And clocks and watchesthey make millions of them too, though one clock or one watch should last a person a life time 他们还生产各种钟表,数量成千万,...
4.美国学生世界地理教材 第35期:扬基人的定居地(1)
Chapter 9 Yankee Land 第8章 扬基人的定居地 A pair of shoes, a hat, or an automobile we should not call New if they were a year old, 一双鞋、一顶帽子或...
5.美国学生世界地理教材 第34期:帝国州(5)
For some reason or other, every now and then some man tries to jump the falls in a barrel, and at least one man has done it and lived. 不时有人以这样...
6.美国学生世界地理教材 第33期:帝国州(4)
In spite of the fact that land in New York City is worth more than any other land in the World, there are two big parks where city people may have a l...
7.美国学生世界地理教材 第32期:帝国州(3)
On one side of Manhattan Island is the Hudson River and on the other side is the East River. 曼哈顿岛的一面是哈得逊河,另一面是东河。 A bridge was bui...
8.美国学生世界地理教材 第31期:帝国州(2)
One group of high buildings in New York might be called the capitol of the World. 纽约的一组高楼可以称作是全世界的国会大厦。 After World War II most o...
9.美国学生世界地理教材 第30期:帝国州(1)
Chapter 8 The Empire State 第8章 帝国州 Several countries together are called an Empire. So New York State is often called the Empire State, 几个国家...
10.美国学生世界地理教材 第29期:玛丽的领地弗吉尼亚的领土和佩恩的森林(4)
A name that is in the Bible is the name of a city, Philadelphia. 有座城市的名字是取自于《圣经》非拉铁非(简称费城), It means the City of Brotherly L...