1.美国学生世界地理教材 第170期:伊甸园(2)
Nevertheless, people think this is where the Garden of Eden once was. 虽然如此,人们仍然认为这就是伊甸园曾经所在的地方。 They even point out an old ap...
2.美国学生世界地理教材 第169期:伊甸园(1)
Of course, you have heard of the Garden of Eden, haven't you? 你肯定听说过伊甸园,对不对? When-I-was-a-boy I thought that when I was old enough to tr...
3.美国学生世界地理教材 第168期:确切地点(4)
Ever since the temple was destroyed Jews have gone there to weep and to pray that their country, which the ancient Romans took from them, would be res...
4.美国学生世界地理教材 第167期:确切地点(3)
Men say they have found in Jerusalem the tomb of Adam, the first man. 据说人们在耶路撒冷找到了亚当世界上第一个男人的墓, They have also found the tomb...
5.美国学生世界地理教材 第166期:确切地点(2)
The last most important place in Palestine is the city where Christ diedJerusalem. Christians call it their Holy City. 巴勒斯坦最后一个最重要的地方是...
6.美国学生世界地理教材 第165期:确切地点(1)
There are three most famous places in Palestine. 在巴勒斯坦,有三个最有名的地方。 The first is the place where Christ was born, the second is the plac...
7.美国学生世界地理教材 第164期:丰饶之国(4)
Many people fill a bottle with some of the muddy water and take it home to use as holy water, 很多人还用瓶子装上一些约旦河浑浊的河水,带回家,当做圣水...
8.美国学生世界地理教材 第163期:丰饶之国(3)
There is a town at the top of the Holy Land with a name like a boy'sDan. 圣地的顶端有一个小镇,镇的名字像一个男孩子的名字但; Down at the bottom of th...
9.美国学生世界地理教材 第162期:丰饶之国(2)
Often a traveler buys something in a Damascus bazaar only to find on it later the tell-tale words Made in Birmingham. 游客常常在大马士革街市上买一件纪...
10.美国学生世界地理教材 第161期:丰饶之国(1)
In Sunday school I used to hear of Bethlehem and Jerusalem and other places in the Bible, 我小时候在主日学校常听到伯利恒、耶路撒冷以及其他一些在《圣经...