1.美国学生历史 第195期:从布尔·朗到莫福利保罗(9)
The next morning Grant attacked in his turn and slowly but surely pushed the Confederates off the field. 第二天早晨他反攻南方军,当然,他击退了南方军...
2.美国学生历史 第194期:从布尔·朗到莫福利保罗(8)
399. New Orleans captured, April, 1862. 399.夺取新奥尔良(1862年4月) Farragut carried his fleet into the Mississippi, but found his way upstream bar...
3.美国学生历史 第193期:从布尔·朗到莫福利保罗(7)
397. Forts Henry and Donelson, February, 1862. 397.亨利要塞与丹尼尔森要塞(1862年2月) In February, 1862, General Grant and Commodore Foote attacked ...
4.美国学生历史 第192期:从布尔·朗到莫福利保罗(6)
395. Fredericksburg, December, 1862. 395.弗里德里克斯堡(1862年9月) Burnside found Lee strongly posted on Marye's Heights, which rise sharply behind...
5.美国学生历史 第191期:从布尔·朗到莫福利保罗(5)
Suddenly, without any warning, Jackson appeared at Manassas Junction. 杰克森率兵潜行,突然出现在马纳萨斯, McClellan was at once ordered to transport ...
6.美国学生历史 第190期:从布尔·朗到莫福利保罗(4)
But that night an even stranger-looking ship appeared at Fortress Monroe. 但是,当夜一艘看起来更为奇怪的船出现在门罗要塞, This was the Monitor, a flo...
7.美国学生历史 第189期:从布尔·朗到莫福利保罗(3)
390. Plan of the Peninsular Campaign. 390.半岛战役计划 The country between the Potomac and the James was cut up by rivers, as the Rappahannock, the M...
8.美国学生历史 第188期:从布尔·朗到莫福利保罗(2)
It fell out otherwise, for Patterson retreated and left the Confederate general, Johnston, free to go to the aid of the sorely pressed Confederates at...
9.美国学生历史 第187期:从布尔·朗到莫福利保罗(1)
Chapter 38 Bull Run to Murfreesboro, 1861~1862 第38章 从布尔朗到莫福利保罗(1861~1862年) 386. Nature of the Conflict. 386.战争的自然条件 The overthr...
10.美国学生历史 第186期:民众的反映(1861年)(4)
385. To the Defense of Washington. 385.保卫华盛顿 The national capital was really a Southern town, for most of the permanent residents were Southerne...