1.美国学生历史 第145期:民主党与辉格党(5)
320. Treaty with Great Britain, 1842. 320.与大不列颠签订条约(1842年) Perhaps the most important event of Tyler's administration was the signing of ...
2.美国学生历史 第144期:民主党与辉格党(4)
Thousands of office-seekers thronged to Washington. 数以千计的求职者涌向华盛顿, They even slept in out-of-the-way corners of the White House. 他们甚...
3.美国学生历史 第143期:民主党与辉格党(3)
317. Election of 1840. 317.1840年选举 General William Henry Harrison was the son of Benjamin Harrison of Virginia, one of the signers of the Declarat...
4.美国学生历史 第142期:民主党与辉格党(2)
315. The Independent Treasury System. 315.独立国库制度 What should be done with the government's money? 怎样处置政府的钱? No one could think of depo...
5.美国学生历史 第141期:民主党与辉格党(1)
Chapter 30 第30章 Democrats and Whigs,1837-1844 民主党与辉格党(1837~1844年) 314. The Panic of 1837. 314.1837年的恐慌 The Panic was due directly to ...
6.美国学生历史 第140期:安德鲁·杰克逊的任期(6)
311. Jackson's Specie Circular, 1836. 311.杰克森的《金属通货公告》(1836年) The first result of the removal of the deposits was very different from ...
7.美国学生历史 第139期:安德鲁·杰克逊的任期(5)
309. Struggle over the Bank Charter. 309.关于银行特许状的斗争 The charter of the bank would not come to an end until 1836, while the term for which J...
8.美国学生历史 第138期:安德鲁·杰克逊的任期(4)
He sent ships and soldiers to Charleston and ordered the collector of that port to collect the duties. 杰克森派军舰和士兵到达查理斯顿并命令海关的收税...
9.美国学生历史 第137期:安德鲁·杰克逊的任期(3)
305. Webster and Hayne, 1830. 305.韦伯斯特与海恩(1830年) Calhoun was Vice-President and presided over the debates of the Senate. 科恩是副总统,并且...
10.美国学生历史 第136期:安德鲁·杰克逊的任期(2)
303. The North and the South. 303.北方和南方 The South was now a great cotton-producing region. 此时,南方是一个巨大的棉花种植区, This cotton was gr...