1.TED演讲 网络设计 事关你我(4)
And we try to use one of these phones from time to time to keep in touch with their reality. 而且我们尝试着时常使用这些手机以确保我们了解用户的实际使...
2.TED演讲 网络设计 事关你我(3)
The next thing that you need to understand as a principle is that when you introduce change, 下一个你必须要去理解的事情是当你想要改变的时候 you need t...
3.TED演讲 网络设计 事关你我(2)
Now, the next thing that you need to understand is how to design with data. 另外一件你需要明白的事情就是如何在设计过程中应用数据。 Now, when you're wo...
4.TED演讲 网络设计 事关你我(1)
What do you think of when I say the word design? 当我说设计这个词的时候你会想到什么? You probably think of things like this, 你可能会想到, finely cr...
5.TED演讲 设计改变城市 创意成就舒适(4)
I mean, architects have been thinking about these ideas for a long time. What we need to do now, 我想,建筑师很长时间一直在思考这个问题,我们现在需要去...
6.TED演讲 设计改变城市 创意成就舒适(3)
That left the chassis unencumbered, so you can do things like fold, so you can fold this little vehicle up to occupy a tiny little footprint. 这使得底...
7.TED演讲 设计改变城市 创意成就舒适(2)
Maybe not the way people dress, but you know, the question now is, how can we have all the good things that we identify with cities without all the ba...
8.TED演讲 设计改变城市 创意成就舒适(1)
I thought I would start with a very brief history of cities. 我觉得我得从城市的历史简单说起。 Settlements typically began with people clustered around...