That's the end. 故事讲完了。 The next story is called The Haverpiece Collection. 下一个故事叫做《哈弗皮斯的收藏》。 A nondescript warehouse, visible f...
From there, to the modern ventriloquist's dummy, is but a brief moment in history. 从这个到现代的口技者的木偶,不是一段简短的历史。 You were late for ...
The few surfaces not covered by signs are often clad in a distinctive, dark green-gray, striated aluminum siding. 这仅存的没有被商标遮盖的建筑,一般都...
That's the end of that. The next story is called In Praise of the Taxpayer. 这个故事讲完了。下一个故事叫作《纳税人的荣耀》。 That so many of the city'...
Is it simply the byproduct of a crude mechanical action? 它仅仅是一个粗糙机械制作的副产品? Or is it an imitation of one half the set of sounds we mak...
I'm going to read a few strips. 我马上会朗读的一些连环漫画。 These are, most of these are from a monthly page I do in and architecture and design maga...
Here is a computer simulation. 这是计算机模拟。 And we need a way to simplify it. 我们需要简化它的方法。 Well, I like to think about this using an ana...
Here is an image. 这是一张照片。 Since galaxy clusters are representative slices of the universe, scaled-down versions. 因为星团可以看做是宇宙的缩小版...
And many of the questions that we might have about the universe at large scales, 我们关于宇宙在宏观上有很多问题, such as, how does gravity work? 比如...
Here are some images of clusters of galaxies. 这是一些星团的照片。 They're exactly what they sound like. 正如听上去一样。 They are these huge collecti...