Now, somehow, the healing beginsfor Jayme and for her traumatized hometown, where no one has felt safe for 88 anxious days. 现在,痊愈开始了不只是杰米...
Kasinskas's husband, Peter, stood at the door with his gun in case Jayme's abductor came looking for her, while Nutter wrapped the girl in a blanket. ...
Her brave escape: Missing Teen Jayme Closs Found Alive 勇敢的逃脱:失踪少女杰米克洛斯生还 The 13-year-old girl who survived 88 days of captivity after...
I was divorced, I had a kid, and I temped as a secretary, she said. Basically you took acting classes to get laid. 我离婚了,有了一个孩子,还当过秘书...
I might have ended up like John, she said. I always wanted to soar through life like he did, but with a child around you have to be alert, so the best...
A League of Her Own 她自己的联盟 She was a kid from the Bronx who never thought she fit in. But the beloved TV star and director changed Hollywood for...
Celebrating her 40th birthday, Katie amp; Jamie's Surprising Date Night 庆祝40岁生日:凯蒂和杰米的美好约会之夜 Even a grown-up sometimes deserves an i...
But after almost six years of marriage, he burst through the door one evening and said, 'We've got to have children! 可是,结婚快六年了,一天晚上,他...
Faced with the daunting task of running the zoo and raising two young children alone, Terri Irwin, now 54, persevered. 面对管理动物园和独自抚养两个孩...
She took a teaching position at Rutgers University, where her academic work on women's rights became the basis for a string of cases she argued before...