She reconciled with her father when they made 1981's On Golden Pond. Later, learning about her mom's mental illness helped her find closure. 她和父亲...
Jane Fonda at 80: men, movies my incredible life 80岁的简方达:男人,电影与我的奇迹人生 The actress, activist and icon opens up about her epic romance...
3.人物:贝蒂·福特 独一无二的第一夫人(3)
She went to her bathroom, pulled out the four or five pills she normally took at noon, and swallowed them with a glass of water. 她走进浴室,拿出平时...
4.人物:贝蒂·福特 独一无二的第一夫人(2)
Who do they think is making it possible for him to travel all over the United States giving all those speeches? 他们认为是谁让他能在美国各地演讲? He ...
5.人物:贝蒂·福特 独一无二的第一夫人(1)
Betty Ford A First Lady Like No Other 贝蒂福特 独一无二的第一夫人 In the '70s, she broke the rules by speaking about her own breast cancer, addiction ...
From the moment I decided to publicly leave, my life unspooled as if I were in a suspense novel. 从我决定公开离开的那一刻起,我的生活就变成了一本悬疑...
Less than a year later LeClair met Sean Seward, a struggling actor, whom she persuaded to join the church. 不到一年之后,勒克莱尔遇到了肖恩苏厄德,一...
One day she came home with a pamphlet about a course she wanted my stepfather Steve to take. 有一天,她带着一本小册子回家,她想让我的继父史蒂夫上一门...
My Escape From Scientology 逃离山达基 She was wealthy and successful and gave millions to the church, but after she confessed to being gay and in love...
I had to find strength I didn't even know I had. 我必须找到我自己都不知道的力量。 In the days and weeks following her accident, Harpin admits she stru...