Check this out.Just get down here.There's a bit of water. 瞧 从这下去 有一小滩水 It's probably gonna be rainwater that's come down here and collected....
The landscape is riddled with high ridgelines and towering cliffs. 遍布的高耸山脉和陡峭悬崖 形成了这里地理风貌 To keep heading north,you'll need to fi...
See the shadow, the stick has moved a bit,put a rock on the other end, and you get a line here. 看这影子 已经移动了一点 放块石头在新的末端上 这样就会...
Man, the first thing that hits you about this place is just the heat and the humidity. 天 到这的第一个难关就是 要克服高温湿热的天气 I could feel it ju...
I'm Bear Grylls. Whoo! 我是贝尔格里尔斯 I'm gonna show you what it takes to get out alive from some of the most dangerous places on earth. 我将让你知...
I'm not expecting this to be particularly pleasant, 这滋味绝对不会好受 but there are stories of this saving people's lives. 但这法子的确救过不少人的命...
This one always draws in the comments. 这段总是引发热评 and then when you think he's probably done, 当你认为他可能已经喝完了 he goes, oh, hang on, the...
I've definitely eaten some pretty disgusting things on Man vs Wild, but,you know,it's amazing what you can do when you're hungry. 我在《荒野求生》中确...
And the simplest way is for the pilot to flip the plane upside down and drop me out. 最简单的办法是 飞行员让飞机倒着飞 然后把我扔出去 Okay, Bear, we'r...
I'd heard a story from a Berber tribesman using a camel carcass as an emergency shelter in a sandstorm. 我曾听柏柏尔部落的人讲过一个故事 在沙尘暴来临...