It's not easy, you know?You've done amazing. You really have, you know? 知道吗 真难受 你已经表现得十分出色了 非常不错 This whole journey would be hard...
The adrenaline from Sean's river crossing is driving him down the rope. 肖恩因跨越河流而产生的肾上腺素 使他顺利索降 Are we done rappelling now? 我们索...
If Sean's phobia is water,then Joe's greatest fear is heights. 如果肖恩对水有恐惧症 那乔最大恐惧感来自于高度 I want to go home.Do you know what?So do ...
I need the guys to work as a team. 我需要大家团结协作 We're gonna cross this river linked together. 我们要连在一起过河 What did I say right at the sta...
It's like walking on ball bearings. 感觉就像走在滚珠轴承上 A real hazard is falling rocks, 真正的危险物是落石 and a small rock falling at 50 miles an ...
This thing is moving, man.Come on, Joe. We need energy. 这东西还在动呢 伙计 乔 加油 我们要补充能量 Don't throw up on me.I almost did.One, two, three. ...
I'm in the Canadian wilderness,and I'm taking two rookie survivors on the experience of a lifetime. 我正身处加拿大的荒野 带着两名探险新手 体验生活 We'...
Man.It felt prehistoric, like I was like I have to. I had to do it. 伙计们 我有种很原始的感觉 就像 这是我必须做的事 If I want to eat, that's what I ha...
Some of the first nation people will eat the organs of an animal straight after a kill. 一些原住民 会在杀掉动物后马上吃掉它们的内脏 It had both spirit...
Oh, I guess we got to eat them raw.But it's all about perseverance. 看来我们得生吃了 但这完全取决于毅力 Oh, he got it going. It's burning. 成功了 烧起...