It's fatter in the middle, where the reeds are thickest. 芦苇的间部位是最肥最粗的 And then it tapers off here as well. 然后由中间向两头逐渐变细 You kn...
Progress through this swamp has slowed to a snail's pace. 穿过这片沼泽地的速度简直慢得不像话 It might be a haven for frogs,but if I'm honest, they can...
But scavengers can't be choosers. 拾荒者可不会挑三拣四 At least there's a few minutes just to stop,warm up, get some energy in. 起码有时间能停下来 取...
Well, it's not exactly Mount Everest. 这里虽不是珠穆朗玛峰 It's a little bit higher ground.At least it's out of the water. 只是地势稍微高了一点 起码这...
I've made it through the mountain forests of Georgia, eastern Europe. 我已成功在东欧格鲁吉亚的 深山老林中幸存 But from here, your best chance of findi...
And it's this soft, spongy bit in the middle. 中间有这种柔软的棉花状的东西 What's great about this,you put a spark to it, it will burn as an ember,and...
Just get a branch like this. 就拿这样一个树枝 Then into these gaps,I'm just gonna push a lot of these birch-bark shavings. 然后在这缺口里 塞进一些桦树...
I need to make a fire for tonight, 我要为晚上生火做准备 and there's no shortage of deadwood in this forest. 好在这林子里有许多枯枝朽木 Get some of thi...
There's another hollow bit up here. 这里有个浅凹地 It's probably where a whole tree has been just uprooted. 可能是某颗大树被连根拔起后留下的 You actua...
The free ride is over. 真的挑战这才来临 There's too much slack in the line and I'm fighting now against my own body weight. 这绳索实在太松 导致我现在...