1.欧美人文风情第374篇: 爱自己所有的模样
Thank you, Mr. Secretary-General, UNICEF Executive Director, and all the excellencies and distinguished guests from across the world. 谢谢,秘书长先生...
2.欧美人文风情第373篇: 什么是冒名顶替症候群?
Even after writing 11 books and winning several prestigious awards, 尽管写了 11 本书并多次赢得知名奖项, Maya Angelou couldn't escape the nagging doub...
3.欧美人文风情第372篇: 后羿与嫦娥的故事
Once upon a time, 10 suns rose in the sky, scorching many crops and people to death. 很久很久以前,天空中有十颗太阳,土地上许多农作物和人民都被热死了...
4.欧美人文风情第371篇: 为什么中世纪画作中的宝宝都长得超丑
So, you're going to the museum, and it's great. 你去参观一座博物馆,而且它超赞的。 The guards check your bag to make sure you won't, I don't know, sho...
5.欧美人文风情第370篇: 左撇子们嗨起來
What do these people have in common? If you answered with, They're all awesome, you'd probably be right. 这些人有什么共通点呢?如果你回答:他们都很了...
6.欧美人文风情第369篇: 打电话给爸爸说我爱你
Damn it, I'm crying. It was just not cool. 烦耶,我要哭了。一点都不好玩。 It is a beautiful day today. And we are gonna be celebrating Father's Day. ...
Marriage expert John Gottman can sit with newly engaged couples for 15 minutes or less and predict, with 94 percent success, 婚姻专家 John Gottman 只...
All right. Congrats again to the newlyweds, and I hope everybody has a full drink 好的。再次恭喜这对新人,也希望大家喝得尽兴, because it is time for ...
I forbid you to go there. 你不准进去。 Hey, I'm Sapphire. Wanna hear something scary? 嘿,我是赛普瑞。想要听点儿可怕的东西吗? For these next six stor...
Why are cities full of uncomfortable benches? 为什么城市充满不舒适的长椅? This one has armrests to prevent you from dozing off. 这张长椅有扶手,避免...