1.《摩登家庭》第1季第20集 第6期:踢球踢得好
Who are you? 你哪位 I happen to be the stepfather of- 我是家长 就是那个 Doesn't matter who. What you need to start doing... 我是谁不重要 你要做的是 is...
2.《摩登家庭》第1季第20集 第5期:嘴馋
Come on! 跑起来 Okay. That's great. 好 很好 Okay, well, I'll let you know. Right. 好的 我再给你回复 对 All right. Bye. 就这样 再见 Uh, so, Charlie Bin...
3.《摩登家庭》第1季第20集 第4期:爱弟弟
So, I don't know. Should I- Should I call him? 我不知道 我应该 应该打给他吗 I don't know. Maybe just to get your dad off your back. 我觉得 打了让你爸...
4.《摩登家庭》第1季第20集 第3期:享受闲暇
Ooh. Who's she? 这美女是谁 I hate it when you do that. 一点都不好笑 - Who's he? - It's Charlie Bingham. -这帅哥是谁 -查理宾格温 He's the guy that my d...
5.《摩登家庭》第1季第20集 第2期:省钱计划
Plus, with my discount, 还有 因为我有员工折扣 we're saving a fortune. 我们可省下了一笔 How is spending a ton of money on greeting cards saving us a fo...
6.《摩登家庭》第1季第20集 第1期:等苦了的牛
Steaks will be ready in five minutes. 牛排五分钟后就好 You're destroying those things. 你这是在暴殄天物 - Ay, Jay, leave him alone. - No, I'm sorry, -...
7.《摩登家庭》第1季第19集 第19期:实现生日愿望
Here comes Dad. 老爸回来了 Who wants some cake? 谁想吃蛋糕呀 I used to, but I don't desire food any- 我之前想 可我不想吃... Oh, my God. You got it! 老...
8.《摩登家庭》第1季第19集 第18期:我是个好老婆
Yeah, just leave my birthday present on the floor. 成啊 把我的礼物扔地上吧 That's my girl. She had me. 好老婆 她已经赢定了 There was no way I could wi...
9.《摩登家庭》第1季第19集 第17期:挽救了一个家庭
Yeah, Manny, give me the chess set. 曼尼 棋盘给我 - Oh, it's a chess set. - Yeah. You'll get it later. -送我棋盘啊 -待会再给你 We got something to set...
10.《摩登家庭》第1季第19集 第16期:买苹果被抓
Mitchell, what are you doing? Get off of him. - Shut up. 米奇尔你干什么 放开他 -闭嘴 He's about to go to sleep. - No, I'm not. 他就要晕了 -才没有呢 Ok...