1.摩登家庭第六季 第94期:很抱歉朝你大喊大叫
Hey. Oh. Perfect. 太好了。 Okay, first you berate me on the phone, Then you show up to my office and berate me in per-- Oh, w-what is this? I don't ca...
2.摩登家庭第六季 第93期:你个大号婴儿
The kids had a Friday off of school, so we picked up Manny and went to our favorite pancake place -- Relaxing. 孩子们周五放假,所以我们接上曼尼去我们...
No, my god! Is that for me? ! 我的天,那车是给我的吗?! Happy birthday, sweetheart! 生日快乐,宝贝! Thank you so much! I love it! 太谢谢了!我太喜欢...
4.摩登家庭第六季 第91期:迫不及待
Oh! Uh, the tattooing...It does really hurt. I don't think I drank enough. 纹身这东西...真的好疼啊。看来我喝得还不够多。 Huh. So, a couple of firsts t...
5.摩登家庭第六季 第90期:我岳父也挺贱的
You know what? I don't even need to be cool anymore. It's like, why? 说句实话吧?我其实不需要再当酷哥了。有什么意义呢? Yes, exactly. Why? Who cares. ...
6.摩登家庭第六季 第89期:为什么一谈到性就紧张
Okay, I am technically in charge tonight, so no one tells Lily where babies come from. 今晚是我当家,所以谁都不准告诉莉莉孩子是怎么来的。 I could not ...
7.摩登家庭第六季 第88期:你最好拿下他
Phil, where are you? You have to get down here and stop Haley from getting a tattoo. 菲尔,你在哪?你得赶紧过来,不然海莉就要纹身了。 What, no, you st...
8.摩登家庭第六季 第87期:我今晚想去纹身
So, why don't you guys go ahead and split? We'll take over. 所以你们何不趁机溜走?我们帮你们顶上。 Are you sure? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go, go. Yes. Yes. Y...
9.摩登家庭第六季 第86期:跟我生个孩子吧!
Okay, so, a boy and a girl meet at a frat party and they both think each other is totally hot, so they pound their beers and head upstairs. Luke, stop...
10.摩登家庭第六季 第85期:闻出了新娘的香水品牌
I'm going with Tom because George would just want to talk about politics all the time and Tom seems like he would quietly get the job done. 我选汤姆,...